The ISR Experience

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]It’s recruitment time and we are interested in YOU! The goal of International Students Rotterdam is to make international students feel at home. If you would also like to contribute to this mission, then you’re in the right place. Feel free to check out the Recruitment page ( for more information regarding each position. Yes, being an active member of an association is putting in some work, but it’s not only about that! I can personally say time as Content Manager has been not only intriguing, but also loads of fun and games!

Check out what other members of the association had to say about their most fun ISR experience:

Name: Heloisa
Position: Social Events Officer
Most fun experience: That would definitely be the Family Weekends, when people can relax, not think about work, just be themselves, and enjoy time with each other.

Name: Inessa
Position: Human Resources Manager
Most fun experience: We have a couple of running jokes in ISR, which were mostly formed in the first couple of months. Now it’s always funny when someone brings it up again and again!

Name: Tamara
Position: Academic Events Manager
Most fun experience: The time the Social Events Committee gave out name tags where we could have 3 things about us written on it for the Valentine’s Edition Social Drink!

Name: Clemens
Position: President
Most fun experience: That must have been the moment when our beloved Viki simultaneously had her first beer ever and discovered drinking games after a board meeting; both of which changed her life forever and got us all pretty drunk!

Name: Allan
Position: Social Events Manager
Most fun experience: Waking up to Manish sleeping next to me.

Name: Laura
Position: Human Resources Manager
Most fun experience: The most fun thing for me is that even though I’m Dutch, everyone still very much welcomed me into ISR.

Name: Anita
Position: Social Events Manager
Most fun experience: Definitely something that happened on the Family Weekend![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Name: Raquel
Position: Human Resources Officer
Most fun experience: Team building games, such as the interactive bingo, we designed for the Family Weekend. Manish, what is a pug?!

Name: Weronika
Position: Academic Events Officer
Most fun experience: The Pub Crawl!

Name: Manish
Position: Acquisition Manager
Most fun experience: This is a difficult question, because I enjoy all ISR events! One nice memory would be the Halloween storytelling during the General Family Meeting.

Name: Damian
Position: Acquisition Officer & Treasurer
Most fun experience: Manish and David being drunk!

Name: Jessica
Position: Brand Manager
Most fun experience: The transformation people go through being drunk at the Social Drinks, haha!

Name: Yulia
Position: Marketing Officer
Most fun experience: Playing drinking games in De Smitse after board meetings.

Name: Yashita
Position: Content Manager
Most fun experience: Definitely the Family Times, because everyone’s personality comes out and you always get to learn a thing or two more about everyone!

Name: Andreea
Position: Social Events Manager
Most fun experience: The Family Weekend we had in Tilburg!

Clearly, there’s a lot of fun packed into the ISR Family, a lot of which may have to do with drinking, but who’s counting right?


Yashita here! Spring is finally here, and if that’s not something to be happy about, then I don’t know what is!



1 Comment

  • You are a very clever individual!